BRS senior leader Dr Dasoju Sravan demanded an unconditional apology from Telangana Congress president Revanth Reddy for hurting the sentiments of farmers and censured Congress MP for shamelessly defending irresponsible comments on free power.
Stressing that foul-mouthed Revanth Reddy should be banned from public life, BRS senior leader Dr Dasoju Sravan challenged Congress party to first give free electricity to farmers in states ruled by it like Karnataka and Chhatisgarh, instead of trying to mislead the people of Telangana on the farmer-friendly KCR Sarkar.
Dr Dasoju Sravan highlighted the cheating tactics adopted by Congress party towards farmers with stastical data and old news reports.
Hyderabad,: BRS senior leader Dr Dasoju Sravan demanded an unconditional apology from Telangana Congress president Revanth Reddy for hurting the sentiments of farmers and censured Congress MP for shamelessly defending irresponsible comments on free power.
Stressing that Revanth Reddy should be banned from public life, BRS senior leader Dr Dasoju Sravan challenged Congress party to first give free electricity to farmers in states ruled by it like Karnataka and Chhatisgarh, instead of trying to mislead the people of Telangana on the farmer-friendly KCR Sarkar.
“Telangana Congress president Revanth Reddy has exhibited lack of knowledge about agriculture and disdain towards farmers through his senseless comments on the free power being supplied to agriculture. The people of Telangana have taught a lesson to Revanth Reddy with statewide protests over the past two days, for hurting famers sentiments. It extremely disgusting that instead of taking back his words after backlash from people, foul-mouthed Revanth Reddy is trying to defend his senseless comments and trying to divert the people from the farmer friendly governance of CM KCR,” fired Dr Daosu Sravan speaking at Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad on Thursday.
“It is surprising to see that even Congress High Command is not reprimanding Revanth Reddy on an important issue like free power to farmers. As a result Revanth Reddy has turned into a liability for not just Congress party but entire Telangana. It is disheartening to see an immature, arrogant and foul-mouthed blackmailer like Revanth Reddy leading an opposition party. He should be sacked from TPCC prsesident post and should not be allowed to roam in Telangana till he delivers an unconditional apology to Telangana farmers,” said Dr Dasoju Sravan, firing on Revanth Reddy.
Dr Dasoju Sravan highligted the cheating tactics adopted by Congress party towards farmers with stastical data and old news reports.
“Instead of censuring Revanth Reddy, some Congress leaders have been shamessly claiming that it was Congress which first gave free power to farmers. This is nothing but a blatant lie to cheat farmers,” stressed Dr Sravan.
“Congress has never given atleast 7 hours uninterrupted power supply during its rule from 2004 to 2014. About 1500 farmers have died due to electricty shock during Congress rule, due to erratic power supply. Many farmers even committed suicides due to lack of water and power. It is only after KCR came into power that Telangana farmers have got uninterrupted free power supply and sufficient water.
After KCR implemented Rythu Bandu, Rythu Bheema and strengthened irrigation facilities agriculture has turned into the most sought after activity in Telangana today. Unable to digest this, Revanth Reddy and Congress party are spewing venom on KCR Sarkar,” reasoned Dr Dasoju Sravan signing off.