
Maha Padayatra

‘Heartbeat’ of 5 crore Andhras: Naidu on Amaravati
45-day Maha Padayatra an eye opener to Govt
Vision 2020 promising but Vision 2029 sabotaged
Everybody should support Amaravati farmers struggle
AMARAVATI: TDP National President and former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Monday described the Amaravati farmers’ Maha Padayatra as a symbol of their unbreakable resolve to save the Capital City from destructive plans of the ruling party.
Naidu asserted that Amaravati has come down as a much-cherished dream of not just the local residents but that of all the 5 crore people of Andhra Pradesh. The farmers, who sacrificed 34,000 acres of their ancestral lands, have been waging a relentless and inspiring struggle for the past 685 days.
In a statement here, the TDP chief expressed his party’s overall support and solidarity to the 45-day ‘Maha Padayatra’ which was launched today. All sections of people should come forward to support the farmers’ protest programme and to prevent the State from plunging into permanent darkness. The farmers had given their mother-like lands for the noble cause of constructing a great Capital for all the people of the State.
Naidu lauded the Amaravati farmers for continuing their memorable struggle despite harassment from the Government and the police. The present rulers launched a vicious propaganda, hurled abuses and caused humiliation to the Capital City protesters right from the beginning. But still, the farmers remained steadfast and now launched their Maha Padayatra with an unswerving and unshakeable confidence.
The TDP chief deplored that the YSRCP Government was showing interest in vengeance, demolitions, cancellations and destruction but not in the well being and development of the people. The ulterior 3 Capitals plan was announced at a time when Amaravati was emerging as a ray of hope to achieve the dream of ‘Swarnandhra Pradesh’. The YSRCP began a ‘reverse rule’ with its vindictive approach towards Amaravati farmers.
Referring to Vision 2020 in the combined State, Chandrababu Naidu recalled how a strong foundation was laid for manifold development of Hyderabad in 1999 itself. After the Reorganisation, Vision 2029 was planned in the residual AP to develop Amaravati as a well-equipped Capital City with international standards. The State’s integrated development was incorporated in this vision.
Naidu described it as a matter of joy to see the people enjoying the positive results coming from Vision 2020. Whereas, the destruction of Vision 2029 became a cause for major concern in AP. Anybody would be called a leader only when he would take the right decisions with foresight and keeping the people’s well being in mind. The rulers should realise that it would not be possible to imagine the existence of Andhra Pradesh without Amaravati and Polavaram.
The TDP chief urged the public, people’s organisations, TDP leaders, activists and every like-minded person to support the Amaravati farmers’ Maha Padayatra. Everybody should shoulder the responsibility to protect Amaravati, which has become the heartbeat of 5 crore people. Amaravati would remain a beacon of undying light for the whole Telugu race forever.