Amaravati, Nov 10: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Wednesday conducted a review meeting on the priority programmes of the Health Department including Kanti Velugu, vaccination, health hubs, and construction of new medical colleges.
During the review, Chief Minister directed the authorities to expedite the works of YSR Health Clinics along with Nadu-Nedu in government hospitals across the State. The officials have informed that funds have already been released for these works, where the construction of 8585 health clinics has already started. In regard to Nadu-Nedu works, the authorities said that the repair works will be completed by December this year and the construction of 146 new PHCs are expected for completion by March 2022.
Reviewing YSR Kanti Velugu, the Chief Minister said to conduct eye-screenings for those who were not tested earlier and directed the officials to initiate a week long special drive for the completion of Kanti Velugu programme. He told the authorities to provide eyeglasses to those identified with eye problems and monitor regularly by connecting with 104 service and village health clinics.
The officials informed that so far 13,58,173 people who are aged above 60 years have been tested and provided spectacles to 4,69,481 and performed surgeries on 1,00,223 people suffering with eye problems. They said that the programme was interrupted due to Covid.
In regard to YSR Aarogyasri, the Chief Minister instructed the officials to strictly enforce Aarogyasri scheme across the State, which was brought to provide free treatment, including to the Cancer patients. The authorities informed that the number of Aarogyasri services were significantly increased to 2446 medical procedures from 1059 treatments. Similarly, the number of network hospitals was also increased to 1717 from 919 and almost 3,18,746 new beneficiaries were brought under the scheme. Through Aarogya Asara, so far 7,82,652 people have received Rs 439.4 crore as financial support after undergoing surgeries.
In regard to Covid-19, the officials informed the Chief Minister that there are 3366 active cases across the state and the positivity rate is 0.7 percent. They said that 23,457 oxygen concentrators and 27,311 D type oxygen cylinders were made available and added that the state government is setting up oxygen generation plants in 140 hospitals, which would be made available by December 15. The officials informed the Chief Minister that 3,35,59,940 people were administered vaccine of which 1,17,71,458 received a single dose while 2,17,88,482 have been administered with two doses. So far, 5,53,48,422 doses of vaccine have been utilised in the State.
Deputy Chief Minister Alla Kali Krishna Srinivas, Chief Secretary Dr Sameer Sharma, Principal Secretary of Medical Health Anil Kumar Singhal, Principal Secretary of Medical Health (Covid Management and Vaccination) M Ravichandra, Finance Secretary N Gulzar, 104 Call Center In-Charge A Babu, Health and Family Welfare Commissioner Katamaneni Bhaskar, APMSIDC VC and MD D Muralidhar Reddy, APVVP Commissioner Dr V Vinod Kumar and others were present.