
Jagan rule not comparable to Gandhiji ideals: TDP

Side by side photos of CM and Mahatma objectionable: Yanamala
Jagan committed to violence but not to people’s rights
AMARAVATI: TDP Politburo Member Yanamala Ramakrishnudu on Saturday accused the Jaganmohan Reddy Government of destroying all opportunities for the development of Andhra Pradesh by perpetrating a rule of vendetta and violence in the past two and half years.
Ramakrishnudu termed it as ‘laughable’ on the part of the Government to give full page ads with photos of CM Jagan Reddy displayed side by side with those of Mahatma Gandhi. The front page ads given in the name of ‘Jagananna Swachcha Sankalp’ (Jagan’s commitment to clean drive) were highly objectionable. It was nothing but an insult to the Father of the Nation whose non-violent struggle was in no way comparable to Jagan Reddy’s regime of lies and betrayals.
In a statement here, the TDP leader said the Chief Minister was actually committed to violence and suppression but not to the fundamental rights and freedom of expression in the State. Before talking about ‘Swachcha Sankalp’, Jagan Reddy should strive to keep his conscience clean. It would be impossible for him to maintain a clean record, considering the countless allegations and charges already made against him. Gandhiji followed the Bhagavad Gita that preached a clean conscience as more important than man. Jesus had preached repentance as greater than everything else.
Ramakrishnudu deplored that CM Jagan was widely known for his life of scandals and scams bereft of any space for honesty and integrity. Even the ordinary public were cracking jokes about the laughable manner in which the CM was talking about cleanliness and transparency. The Centre released funds under the Clean India programme. But, Jagan Reddy bought vehicles with those funds and started a huge publicity stunt to boost his own image. It became branded as a ‘garbage rule’ after slapping garbage tax on the people.
The TDP leader asserted that the clean drive vehicles were also bought only for huge commissions but not for ensuring sanitation and health of the public. While Gandhiji preached a life of peace and non-violence, Jaganji turned AP into a hub of violence. Jagan Reddy had no right to even utter the name of Gandhi since he got involved in thousands of crores of corruption. He was prime accused in 11 chargesheets and spent 16 months in jail. Gandhiji followed honesty in life and became known as a ‘Great Soul’ while Jagan became known as ‘an emperor of corruption’.
Ramakrishnudu said that the ongoing attacks, atrocities and political violence in AP were in total violation of the ideals of peace and non-violence. Gandhi preached truth and non-violence. Whereas, Jagan Reddy was in the habit of speaking lies and nothing but lies. In fact, the CM should be called ‘father of lies’. He has also undermined the ‘Grama Swaraj’ and self-rule concept of Gandhiji. The recent local body elections, which saw a lot of violence, were clear examples of the Jagan violent rule. Nomination papers were torn, rival candidates were intimidated and physical attacks were made.
The TDP leader said that the Mahatma preached to the people to clean their surroundings. But now, Jagan Reddy has imposed a tax even on garbage. Gandhi’s goal was for imposing and implementing total prohibition. Whereas, the present Government was making huge money out of liquor sales. Cheap and harmful liquor was being sold. The J-gangs were collecting thousands of crores of commissions. A chaotic policy was put in place to expand the illegal liquor empire in the State. At least now, the CM should realise his mistakes and start providing a clean, transparent, truthful and welfare rule.