
KCR comments expose Jagan failures: TDP

CM bringing shame to whole AP people: ex MP
Jagan should serve people or step aside
AMARAVATI: TDP former MP Konakalla Narayana on Tuesday expressed concern that Telangana Chief Minister Chandrasekhara Rao started making sarcastic comments on Andhra Pradesh because of the ‘inefficiency’ of the Jaganmohan Reddy Government.
Narayana said that while Chandrababu Naidu turned a power deficit AP into a surplus State after the 2014 reorganisation, Jagan Reddy pushed the State back into crisis in the power sector. As a result, a situation was now created where both CM Jagan Reddy and the people of AP had to feel ashamed of themselves in the face of disrespectful and mocking comments from leaders like KCR and Harish Rao.
Addressing a press conference here, the TDP leader asserted that the KCR comments just exposed the failures of the AP CM and his anti-people policies. While the neighbouring State was making comparative progress, AP was experiencing darkness in view of severe power shortage. All industries and investments were going away from AP and the neighbouring State emerged as a favourite.
Narayana recalled how Jagan Reddy has been fostering ‘financial relations’ with the neighbouring state rulers but using them for the benefit of AP people in any measure. KCR has not been speaking a single favourable word for AP. Jagan Reddy was inexperienced and he had no awareness of how to rule. If CM Jagan was interested in serving the people, he should step aside without causing any further damage.
The TDP leader held Jagan responsible for the present situation where AP’s revenue stood at a low of Rs. 1.78 lakh cr when compared to Rs. 2.35 lakh cr of Telangana. How could the situation improve if the ruling party went on scaring away industrialists? The neighbouring State leaders were commenting that two acres could be bought in AP with just one acre in Telangana.
Narayana said that there was no hope that the YCP regime would focus on the development of the State at all. The destruction began with Praja Vedika and it led to ghastly attacks on Chandrababu Naidu house and the TDP national party office. The Government seemed to set a target to eliminate the opposition TDP instead of competing in doing better service compared with the previous regime.
The TDP leader accused MLA Vallabhaneni Vamsi and Minister Kodali Nani of passing hateful comments against TDP only to see joy in the eyes of Jagan Reddy. At least now, the CM should stop encouraging politics of vindictiveness and needless attacks. Society would not accept for long if the elected leaders would behave beneath their character and conduct. Jagan Reddy should use the chance as CM to serve the people in the true spirit of the word.