
Naidu calls Jagan Reddy rule most discredited in India’s history

TDP cadres waging a historic struggle against oppression
People suffering greatly under lawless rule
YCP won with Goebells propaganda in 2019
TDP chief at MLAs, MLCs, party leaders’ meet
AMARAVATI: TDP National President and former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday asserted that the YSRCP regime in Andhra Pradesh has become such a thoroughly discredited regime that the country has never seen before in its long history.
Naidu said the people of Andhra Pradesh were suffering great losses financially, physically and psychologically under the unjust and oppressive rule of Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy. The TDP leaders and activists all over the State were waging a historic struggle despite political vendetta, imprisonments, false arrests and fake cases being filed against them.
Addressing a meeting of party MLAs, MLCs, incharges and key leaders, the TDP chief said that the common public were realising the betrayals and ulterior motives of the Chief Minister. The YSRCP derived undue electoral advantage by launching a misinformation campaign in 2019. They carried out Goebbels propaganda by repeating tens of lies hundreds of times before the people. The same public were now eagerly waiting for another chance to throw out the atrocious rule.
Chandrababu Naidu expressed concern over how the Government was harassing and abetting suicide of contractors by not paying their NREGS bills. CM Jagan Reddy should correct his mindset at least after the High Court latest order. The TDP got the final victory in the legal struggle for NREGS pending bills. A similar struggle would be launched on the Neeru Chettu pending bills. Over Rs. 70,000 Cr bills were pending in this Government.
The TDP chief said that the TIDCO houses were being damaged by not giving to the beneficiaries and housing activities came to a standstill. The solar power sector was crushed just because it was promoted during the TDP rule. Now, current burdens were placed on the people. The destruction that was begun with Praja Vedika was expanded to all sectors. Over Rs. 75,000 Cr loans were being brought on liquor sales.
Naidu accused the YCP Government of forcibly increasing liquor sales in order to get greater revenue for its illegal activities. Own brands were being made only to play dangerous games with the lives of people. On the other side, AP was turned into a hub of ganja and heroin. Over Rs. 72,000 Cr drug mafia was exposed after the import of heroin from Afghanistan. The TDP would strive hard for turning AP into a ‘drugs-free State’.
Condemning the Government’s ‘ulterior motives’, the TDP chief said that the CM’s thoughtless policies were crushing the whole economy of the State. Loans were being brought for looting and illegal wealth. Public assets were being auctioned. Doubts were rising that private assets would be auctioned. The number of beneficiaries in welfare programmes was being cut with a conspiracy to weaken the people. The YCP was running politics with corruption money.
Chandrababu Naidu deplored that while the TDP regime strove hard for interlinking of rivers, the YCP rule has not completed a single project even in Rayalaseema. A plan was made to provide water to Banakacharla but it was cancelled. Drip irrigation was totally stopped. Over 15 lakh acres of groundnut crop was drying up in Rayalaseema. Agriculture got stuck in a steep crisis. Historic buildings were being mortgaged for loans.
The TDP chief said that both Polavaram and Amaravati were smashed for no reason. If Amaravati was constructed, it would have emerged as a Rs. 2 lakh crore performing asset. All the regions in the State would have benefitted from this.