
Farmers families crushed under Jagan JCB rule:Lokesh

Decries YCP bid to grab lands of Rajupalem farmer
JCBs used to breach bunds of farmers’ farm lands
YCP goons attacked Dalit sarpanch at Kondapuram
Farmer’s whole family attempted suicide at Akkampally
AMARAVATI: TDP National General Secretary and MLC Nara Lokesh on Tuesday expressed concern that the farmers’ families were becoming victims of attacks, harassment and land grabbers almost on a daily basis in the State.
Lokesh said that at least one farmer was coming on to the roads everyday to tell the people about the injustice done to their families. In the latest incident, the local YSRCP Minister’s followers hatched a plan to grab the lands of farmer Vema Reddy at Rajupalem village in Hindupur assembly constituency in Anantapur district. The ruling party gangsters used JCBs to dig up and breach the farmer’s lands.
In a statement here, Nara Lokesh slammed the Minister’s gang for diverting canal water through farmer Vema Reddy’s lands. The officials were not taking any action despite several complaints made to them. Videos were available as evidence of how the YSRCP leaders were causing untold misery to the farmer’s family. As part of the conspiracy to grab the lands, they were breaching its bunds and submerging it with water. Action should be initiated against the guilty before they would do greater injustice.
Nara Lokesh said the ruling party leaders were crossing all limits in grabbing the lands of helpless farmers. The whole family of farmer Lakshmi Reddy attempted suicide in their agricultural lands at Akkampalli in Anantapur district. They tried to take the extreme step following the attempts by the YCP leaders to grab their lands. The farmer’s family was solely dependent on these lands. They were now living in constant fear of encroachment by the gangsters.
Blaming the Jagan Reddy regime, Lokesh deplored that this injustice was taking place just because some officials were conniving with the YSRCP leaders. They were tampering with records and creating fake documents. The miscreants were conspiring to snatch away the lands of others everywhere. The Government should wake up and take action. The culprits in the Akkampalli land grab move should be nabbed. Justice should be done to the farmer Lakshmi Reddy family.
Condemning ‘non-stop attacks on Dalits’, Nara Lokesh said the YSRCP leaders and volunteers made a joint attack on sarpanch Macherla during grama sabha at Kondapuram village in Uayagiri assembly segment in Nellore district. The sarpanch was targetted and victimised just because he did not approve the YCP leaders’ move to use false documents to carry out illegal activities regarding the CJFS lands there.
Lokesh stressed the need for teaching a strong lesson to the ruling YCP leaders for the continuing attacks on the Dalits. Instead of coming to the rescue of the weaker sections, the police were getting themselves busy to save the attackers. The attitude of the officials was condemnable. The people were living in a grip of fear because of the blatant misuse of power. Stringent action should be initiated against the attackers of Kondapuram sarpanch.
The TDP leader said that all sections of people were facing a struggle for existence under the Jagan Reddy Jungle Raj. The ACB, PCB and JCB rule has made the lives of ordinary people very difficult.