
Lokesh decries ‘torture’ of Nellore woman

Gangsters growing fearless under Jagan rule
One Chance used to turn AP into lawless Taliban
Govt should not release perpetrators on bail
AMARAVATI: TDP National General Secretary and MLC Nara Lokesh on Wednesday said that the YSRCP Government’s inefficiency was the reason for the rising attacks and harassment of women in different parts of the State.
Mr. Lokesh condemned the manner in which a woman was beaten up and tortured in Nellore despite her plea for help. Moreover, the physical attack on her was videographed and circulated with total disrespect for women and for the laws. It was because of the total failure of the systems under the present regime that the perpetrators of atrocities were rearing their ugly head.
In a statement here, Mr. Nara Lokesh accused the Chief Minister and his partymen of turning Andhra Pradesh into the lawless Taliban in just 27 months. The criminals, gangsters and offenders were crossing all limits by taking advantage of the weaknesses and inefficiency of CM Jagan Reddy. As a result, an incident was being reported on a daily basis from across the State. Everyday, a woman was falling victim to the harassment and torture of the anti-social elements.
Mr. Lokesh dared the YCP regime to take stringent action against the culprits who tortured the Nellore woman. He shared videos of the physical torture of the woman, asking the Government to initiate immediate action. Only when deterrent punishment would be given, the miscreants would stop their heinous activities. The gangsters were becoming reckless and unafraid of the laws under the YCP rule. The people gave ‘Once Chance’ for bringing development but the ruling party used it to bring anarchy and lawlessness.
Mr. Nara Lokesh advised the Chief Minister not to release the perpetrators of atrocities on bail within days of their arrest. If such a casual approach was continued, more women would become victims of inhuman offences. The previous TDP rule took tough measures that put fear into the hearts of the criminals and offenders. In one case, the perpetrator of an atrocity committed suicide at that time. Strong punishments were required to prevent harassment of women.
Referring to the Kadapalem incident, Mr. Lokesh termed it as ‘inhuman’ that father and son turned into cruel persons and together molested a girl at Kadapalem village in Achyutapuram mandal of Visakhapatnam district. Such alarming incidents were on the rise because of the ineffectiveness of the Jagan regime. At such a time, the woman Home Minister was issuing irresponsible statements asking the victims to identify the perpetrator of atrocities.
Mr. Lokesh said that the police would catch the culprits and bring down the crime rate if the ruling YSRCP leaders would stop misusing their services for their faction politics. The perpetrators were relentless just because strong punishment was not given even in a single incident. Thanks to the YSRCP regime, Andhra Pradesh has turned into ‘Atyachar Andhra Pradesh’. The police were made subservient to the ruling party leaders everywhere.
The TDP leaders stressed the need for CM Jagan to give up his politics of vengeance at least now so that the official machinery could focus on the well being and development of the people. A promising and prosperous State like AP having a long coastline was crumbling like a pack of cards under the YCP rule.