
Migrations in Palamuru did not stop even after Telangana formation

-Why is the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy project not completed?
-We will complete Palamuru cultivation water projects within one year of coming to power
-TPCC President Revanth Reddy

“KCR promised to develop Palamuru district if Telangana comes. But migration did not stop in Palamuru, suicides of the unemployed have not stopped and farmers’ suicides have not stopped even after state formation. KCR has become the Sani and Shakuni for Palamuru”, TPCC President Revanth Reddy lashed out at Chief Minister KCR. Revanth Reddy addressed a meeting held at Jadcharla on Thursday as part of the People’s March Padayatra undertaken by CLP leader Bhatti Vikramarka.

He alleged that all development funds in the state are going to Siddipet, Gajwel and Sirisilla. In 2009, KCR was scared that people of Karimnagar will bury him alive and he opted for Palamuru, the people here gave made him win and gave political alms to KCR.

Revanth Reddy commented that KCR did not keep up his promise that he would develop Palamuru district in Telangana reconstruction. Revanth Reddy questioned why Kaleswaram, Mallannasagar and Kondapochamma were completed but the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy project which was started before them was not completed. In 2010, he promised to sell his houses in Banjara Hills and build houses for the flood victims in Alampur area. Revanth Reddy criticized KCR saying that not a single house was built.

“I am questioning KCR as to who stopped the construction of the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy lift irrigation project. Even if KCR peels his skin and sews his sandals, he will not be able to pay off the debt of the people of Palamuru. Who gave KCR the right to turn 10 lakh acres in Palamuru into desert? KCR is blocking the development of Palamuru like marijuana plants in Tulsi forest,” Revanth Reddy criticised.

In 2000, 42 legislators led by Chinna Reddy gave a petition to Sonia Gandhi for Telangana. Then Revanth Reddy reminded that it was expected that not even ten thousand people would come to the Wanaparthy meeting, but more than 50 thousand people who had attended the meeting.

Revanth Reddy said that dignitaries Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, Suravaram Prathapareddy, Sudini Jaipal Reddy, Mahendranath, Mallu Anantaramulu and Mallikarjuna Goud like Hyderabad State Chief Ministers had represented here. He commented that they all are sons of soil from our Palamuru. When Telangana was formed, KCR gave jobs to everyone in his family and said that the children of the weaker sections should depend on caste occupations. Is this why we got Telangana? Revanth Reddy asked.

Lakshma Reddy, who represented Jadcharla, could not build a 100-bed hospital in this area even though he was the Minister of Health. Revanth Reddy criticized that the hospital does not have at least a generator for backup in case of power failure. He said that the development of Jadcharla place during the tenure of Erra Shekhar and Mallu Ravi and SEZ also came during the Congress regime. Revanth Reddy said that he is ready to discuss the development of Jadcharla. ‘I have already challenged…now I am challenging again to Lakshma Reddy, ask for votes in the villages where you have given double bedroom houses…we will ask for votes in the villages where Indiramma has given houses”, he said in an open challenge.

“I am the plant you planted. In 2006, when I contested as an independent candidate as ZPTC from Midjil, I won. The plant you planted that day has become a great tree today. I am standing in front of you as the President of TPCC..this is the greatness of the people of Midjil. Sonia Gandhi entrusted the responsibility of leading the Congress party in Telangana as the president of TPCC to your child who was born in the Nallamalla forests. So bless your child. Make sure we win 14 out of 14 Assembly seats and 2 Parliament seats in the district. If we do that, we will be grateful to Soniamma. This is a matter related to our self-esteem,” Revanth Reddy commented.

Revanth Reddy said that the Congress Party will take the responsibility of completing the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy, Narayanapet-Kodangal lift and Tummilla projects within one year of coming to power. The Boyas will be included in STs. “Soon after the Congress comes to power, we will provide Rs. 5 lakhs to the poor who want to build houses. We will provide Rs. 2 lakhs loan waiver to the farmers. 2 lakh government job vacancies will be filled. The medical expenses up to Rs.5 lakhs will be borne by the government through Arogyasree.

The Congress is responsible for providing gas cylinders to the poor for only Rs 500. Revanth Reddy commented that KCR is conspiring to cheat the women by giving them free cylinders.. Not free cylinders.. Even if KCR says that he will sell kidneys and give them, Telangana society will not believe them, he commented.