
Naidu brought jobs, Jagan brought drugs: TDP

AP turned into ‘hub of drugs’ under Jagan rule: Meera
Vijayawada people shocked at drug smuggling in city
AMARAVATI: TDP Official Spokesman Nagul Meera on Monday accused the ruling YSRCP leaders of turning Andhra Pradesh into a ‘hub of drug smuggling’ instead of fulfilling their promise to create jobs and resolve problems of all sections of AP people.
Nagul Meera termed it as unfortunate that the Jagan Reddy regime had betrayed the youth by spoiling their job opportunities and also by pushing them into drug abuse and addiction. The YSRCP leaders campaigned in every nook and corner of the State before the elections that ‘Jagananna’ would come and he would create a whole lot of job opportunities for all the youth. But now, the problem of joblessness was disturbing everyone.
Addressing a press conference here, the TDP leader said that the residents of Vijayawada city were shocked and shaken at the news of over Rs. 96,000 Cr worth heroin seized in the name of a company located in the heart of their city. The people were unable to believe that their city became a haven of drugs. A hub of automobiles and spirituality had now turned into a haven of drug smuggling. The Chandrababu Naidu regime developed all sectors and created huge job opportunities while the Jagan rule was destroying the State wholesale.
Nagul Meera described it as deplorable that the officials of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) came all the way to Vijayawada to unearth the roots of drug smuggling rackets. The NIA was doing searches in the city. Despite this, the AP DGP was saying that the State had no relations with drug smuggling. It was shameless on the part of the police boss to make open statements in favour of the Government. Instead of nabbing drug smugglers, the State police was preoccupied with filing false cases and making fake arrests of the TDP leaders.
The TDP leader said that while thousands of crores of investments came to AP under the Chandrababu rule, over Rs. 96,000 Cr worth drugs came to the State under the Jaganmohan Reddy regime. The situation of educated and qualified youths in the State had deteriorated so much that they were forced to work in the grocery stores. The present CM was responsible for the educated youth wandering in the streets and eventually falling victim to drug abuse and smuggling. Current charges were increased and the prices of essential commodities were skyrocketing.
Nagul Meera deplored that the YSRCP MPs, MLAs and all the leaders were following in the footsteps of Jaganmohan Reddy who was not interested in the well being and development of the people. Over Rs. 2 lakh cr heroin came from Afghanistan into India. Of this, nearly Rs. 96,000 cr heroin was caught in the name of the AP-based company. The Jagan regime had turned AP into ‘Drugs Andhra Pradesh’.
The TDP leader demanded that the YSRCP Government voluntarily order a CBI inquiry into the ganja and drug smuggling activities which were going on indiscriminately in the past two and half years. The YSRCP leaders’ illegalities and atrocities were on the rise. The AP public were totally unhappy and vexed with the Jaganmohan Reddy Government. The voters were eagerly waiting for another chance to throw out the YSRCP rule.