Andhra Pradesh

TDP hails NIA takeover of Mundra-AP heroin case

NIA should question YCP MLA and Alisha: Pattabhi
YS brothers spread drug mafia in African countries
AMARAVATI: TDP National Spokesperson K. Pattabhi Ram on Thursday hailed the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for taking over the investigation into the Mundra port heroin case in which the AP-based firm named Aashi trading company was involved.
Pattabhi Ram said that all facts would come out if the NIA would arrest and question YSRCP Kakinana Town MLA Dwarampudi Chandrasekhara Reddy and his follower Alisha in the case. Machavaram Sudhakar and others, who were already arrested, had clear links with the MLA and Alisha. The NIA should also focus on the drug mafia activities of Y.S. Anil Reddy and Y.S. Sunil Reddy in the African countries.
Addressing a press conference here, the TDP leader termed it as alarming that Dwarampudi Chandrasekhar Reddy has been giving total support to the mafia activities of the YS brothers. They were close relatives to AP CM Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy. The Chief Minister has been implementing a dangerous Triple A formula. The drug smuggling was taken up linking Afghanistan, Andhra Pradesh and Africa to make fast and easy money. This drug racket was spread internationally with active involvement of the AP gangs.
Pattabhi asserted that their party would continue its fight to unearth the drug rackets operating from Kakinada port. Dwarampudi would not be able to do anything. Kakinada was not the personal family property of the YCP MLA. The TDP leaders’ visit to the port town revealed that Dwarampudi had clear links with the drug mafia. The NIA would nab all the real accused. YSRCP has become a care of address for all sorts of mafia persons like Chandrasekhara Reddy.
The TDP leader said that the Chief Minister was taking inspiration from the drug mafia and supplying cheap and harmful liquor to destroy people’s lives. The Government’s policies were proving to be a danger to the people and to the economy of the State as a whole. The future of AP was under great threat. The local police were colluding with Dwarampudi gangs. The fishermen community should be very careful about the shady activities of the MLA.
Pattabhi Ram said that a lot of doubts and questions were being raised ever since Rs. 21,000 Cr worth heroin, that was being smuggled in the name of Vijayawada based firm Aashi, was seized at Mundra in Gujarat last month. The AP Government and the police were not able to give any explanation on this. Many efforts were being made to shield the gangs involved in this massive smuggling. The Central agencies should probe deep into the involvement of persons with links with top people in the State.
The TDP leader asserted that the fishermen were not at all involved in the smuggling activities and their party has been saying this from the beginning. The TDP was only demanding a probe into the mafia activities of Chandrasekhar Reddy and Alishah. The MLA’s brother Dwarampudi Veerbhadra Reddy has taken an iron grip on the Kakinada port and started illegal rice and drug smuggling from there.
Pattabhi said that the TDP leaders were not afraid of the threats from the ruling party goons and there was no need for them to run away. Dwarampudi Chandrasekhara Reddy has got the credit for turning the tourist friendly and peaceful East Godavari district into a den of drug mafia.