
What are Tadepalli links with Taliban drugs? asks Lokesh

Slams YCP for turning AP into a ‘den of drugs’
National agencies pointing suspicious fingers at AP
DGP doing nothing except to please political boss
AMARAVATI: TDP National General Secretary and MLC Nara Lokesh on Sunday slammed the Jaganmohan Reddy Government for turning Andhra Pradesh into a ‘den of drug smuggling’ by joining hands with international mafia gangs involved in smuggling of heroin and other drugs.
Nara Lokesh demanded that the AP Government explain to the people of the State what were the links of Tadepalli palace in Andhra Pradesh with the Taliban drugs in remote Afghanistan. Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy began his mafia activities with liquor and sand to rob the people of their sweat and blood. Now, he had turned the whole AP into a hub of ‘heroin smuggling and drug abuse’.
In a statement here, Nara Lokesh expressed concern over how the country’s highest investigation agencies were pointing their suspecting fingers towards Andhra Pradesh. The national agencies were cautioning neighbouring States to remain on high alert about AP. What was once a destination for investments and industries had now turned into a haven for gangsters, criminals and smugglers. The current untoward happenings were destroying all present and future opportunities of the young generation in the State.
Lokesh termed it as ‘deplorable’ that the AP DGP was not doing his duty and covering up everything in order to please the Chief Minister. When the national agencies were warning other States about the happenings in AP, the DGP was just busy satisfying the political bosses. From the beginning, the AP police has been dancing to the tunes of the ruling party leaders at all levels. They have become a party to the ongoing political vendetta and filing of false cases including fabricated atrocities cases.
Nara Lokesh advised the Chief Minister to stop his destructive activities and start taking action against the drug smugglers. The CM should stop protecting the drug mafia. There was a strong need to uphold the prestige of AP in the eyes of other States in the country. It was the duty of the YSRCP regime to save the AP State from further loss of respect in the wake of seizure of heroin. The State Government owed an explanation to the public on the involvement of a Vijayawada-based firm in the import of thousands of crores drugs from Afghanistan into India.
Meanwhile, the TDP said that reports were coming to the surface about more YSRCP leaders being involved in the drug smuggling. It was found out that a YSRCP MLA’s son was the head of the gang which was caught by the Telangana police when they were transporting 60 kilos ganja. There were reports that YCP MLA Samineni Udaya Bhanu’s son Prasanth was the head of this gang. The YSRCP top leaders had already taken up the issue with the ruling party leaders of the neighbouring State in order to save the gangsters.
The TDP leaders said that the real gangsters who were caught along with the ganja were now being allowed to go scotfree. A new Bihar gang was brought to the fore to cover up the case pertaining to the 60 kilos ganja seizure. The TDP was firmly saying that the ruling party MLA’s son was involved in this drug smuggling. They should come out and get tested for drugs. The TDP youth leaders would also come forward for such tests. The YSRCP MLA should take up the challenge if his son was not guilty of ganja smuggling.