
CM using Aasara to betray Dwcra women:TDP

Aasara benefits denied to 8.5 lakh women this year: Atchanna
Jagan has no right to talk about women empowerment
AMARAVATI: TDP State President K. Atchannaidu on Thursday accused the Jaganmohan Reddy Government of betraying all the one crore Dwcra women members in the State with its diversionary welfare programmes like ‘Aasara’.
Atchannaidu said that ‘Aasara’ was nothing but an outright cheating of the innocent women who were not being provided with any self-employment and empowerment programmes in the past two and half years. The Government has reduced the number of Aasara beneficiaries from 87 lakh last year to 78.76 lakh this year. Jagan Reddy should explain where the remaining 8.5 lakh Dwcra women have vanished.
In a statement here, the TDP leader demanded that the Chief Minister explain why his regime failed to release the Aasara benefits last month as per its schedule. Even this month, the installment was not released in full and it was being divided into ten sub installments. What about Jagan Reddy’s promise to consider his party manifesto as the Bible, the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita? He released the Navaratnalu calendar but now failed to deposit the welfare benefits at the promised one push of a button.
Atchannaidu said that the CM’s own media had put the Dwcra loans at Rs. 14,204 Cr by 2014 in the TDP regime. Chandrababu Naidu promised to waive loans and he eventually gave Rs. 18,600 Cr towards loan waiver and Pasupu Kumkuma. Whereas, CM Jagan was just misleading with his publicity advertisements. He did not fulfill his promise to give Rs. 3,000 to every BC, SC, ST, Minority woman. Over 45 lakh women voted for YCP but later the CM forgot about their benefits. Each woman lost Rs. 18,750 per year and total Rs. 1.05 lakh.
The TDP leader slammed the CM for telling lies in his Government’s ads that the TDP regime did not give any loans. Jagan Reddy should clarify which Government has released Rs. 25,517 Cr loans. The CM was using a jugglery of figures to mislead the women. Last year, he said there were Rs. 27,168 Cr of loans but the same was cut down to Rs. 25,517 Cr this year. Where have gone the remaining Rs. 1,651 Cr of loans? Thus, the Dwcra groups were being betrayed at every instance.
Atchannaidu deplored that the Jagan regime was giving wrong figures even in the number of beneficiaries and payments being made. It said that Rs. 6,440 Cr was being paid in the second installment. On the other hand, the beneficiaries’ number was shown as reduced by 8.26 lakh. Then, the total payment should also come down but the Government showed it as Rs. 121 Cr less. All these lies and betrayals were being carried out from the Tadepalli palace.
The TDP leader asserted that the Chandrababu regime released upto Rs. 5 lakh loans under Sunna Vaddi scheme. But Jagan Reddy has reduced the amount to Rs. 3 lakh and below. The CM should release a white paper on the bank loans released to the Dwcra members till now. The diversion of Rs. 8,700 Cr funds of Dwcra groups to the cooperative banks was another ulterior plan to push them into deep crisis. Diversion of Dwcra savings for housing was also a needless interference.
Atchannaidu asserted that Jagan Reddy had no right to talk about women empowerment since he had a dubious record of getting women beaten up with boots. Even the Disha law was only used for the CM’s personal publicity.