
TDP slams Jagan for undermining Amaravati stir

Capital city farmers agitation crossed 650 days
CM betrayed farmers by changing stand on Capital
AMARAVATI: TDP former MP Konakalla Narayana on Monday strongly criticised Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy for not changing his stand on Amaravati even though the farmers, coolies, women and youth were continuing their agitation for the past 650 days.
Konakalla Narayana asserted that the farmers sacrificed their ancestral lands only for the sake of giving their help to the noble cause of building a great Capital city for the betrayed people of residual Andhra Pradesh. CM Jagan Reddy should remember how he gave his total approval for Amaravati by making a statement in the House in his capacity as the opposition leader at that time. After coming to power, the CM changed his stand only to promote his selfish interests.
Addressing a press conference here, the TDP leader said that ultimately, the YSRCP Government would have to bend its neck and bow before the relentless agitation of the Amaravati farmers. Never before in the history of any country, the farmers came forward to give 34,000 acres for a Capital city project. The ruling YSRCP leaders should wake up from their dreams and realise that it would not be possible to destroy Amaravati. Even the Supreme Court had ruled out the insider trading allegations in the Capital city project.
Konakalla Narayana said that the Supreme Court had clearly said that just 128 acres transactions took place prior to the announcement of the location of Amaravati Capital city. This was a minuscule thing when compared to a massive project like constructing a Capital city. At least now, the Chief Minister should take a relook at his policies and start thinking along logical terms. The 3 Capitals decision was undoubtedly a destructive plan, which had already disrupted the overall development of the State. Without a strong Capital city, AP would have no future.
The TDP leader recalled how the Amaravati protesters have been agitating night and day for the past 650 days. Their fighting spirit was unmatched in that they were braving persecution, false cases, fake arrests and lathi charges. Women protesters were put through lots of humiliation and harassment. CM Jagan should not forget that the AP people had to come back to their home place with nothing in his hands and with no Capital city. At such a critical time, the TDP regime came out with a visionary plan to build a Capital that would be the AP people’s pride.
The former MP said that if the Chandrababu plans were continued, over 15 lakh jobs would have been created in AP by now. The industrialists and investors had no trust and no respect for the present Chief Minister of AP. As a result, it was the people who suffered badly but not the ruling YSRCP leaders. CM Jagan was only thinking along selfish lines of promoting his own and his party leaders’ interests while the people were made to lead uncertain and difficult lives.